Setting Goals

We live day after day, doing the same thing over and over it seems. Are you working toward a goal?  What is it that drives you forward?  Find out if the goals you set are right for you.

Perhaps you are a driven individual who is working desperately to make your life into what you want it to be.  If that is you then I expect sooner or later you will achieve that final goal. It’s good to have a vision for your life. But is it the right goal?

On the other hand there are a lot people who sit back, riding the wave of life. They want to see where it is going to take them.  For some, this works out great. They’re open to changes in direction.  But you never know what is ahead and sometimes you may find yourself not going anywhere.

My first thought on these two ways of living life is that the goal oriented person will always achieve more and in the long run be happier.  But I’m not so sure this is always true.   How do you think God wants us to live?  When Paul was in prison he put it this way:

Ephesians 4:1-2 MSG I want you to get out there and walk—better yet, run!—on the road God called you to travel. I don’t want any of you sitting around on your hands. I don’t want anyone strolling off, down some path that goes nowhere.

road of life

Obviously we are not to just sit around doing nothing.  We need to be doing something. These disciples were charged with following the road God called them to travel.  Do you know what road God wants you to travel?

Sometimes we get ahead of ourselves by making grand plans for our life setting goals that we want without considering what God may have in store for us.

Make Room for God

What I have done personally and would recommend is to leave some wiggle room for God to work in your life.  I don’t believe it’s a good idea to set inflexible goals that you feel you cannot change.  God won’t let you fail if you allow him in and go where he leads.

Unfortunately some won’t find the road God reveals because they are set on reaching the end of their own road and simply won’t leave room for intervention in their life. It’s not that they won’t be successful but without God you miss the best He has for you. However He is faithful and will lead us from wherever we are when we turn to him.

Proverbs 3:6 In all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

God loves us and wants to bless us.  He is with us wherever we are on our journey through life. The greatest of blessings come as we keep our eyes on him and are obedient.    Sometimes we struggle to see where God is leading us and we go it on our own.  We just need to be willing to correct our course when we hear from him.

God will open doors by giving us opportunities we may not have had on our own. When you aren’t sure if the door is from God, walk toward it.  He’ll let you know if it’s not the right direction.

Psalm 119 (MSG) You’re blessed when you stay on course, walking steadily on the road revealed by God.  You’re blessed when you follow his directions …

What can I do for God Today?

Today it is up to you to make sure there is room in your life plans for God. Take a look at your goals. If you don’t have any make some, but leave some wiggle room for God.  I can assure you his plan is far better than any plans you make on your own.

A personal story

Years ago as I was starting out in life I thought I had everything figured out. My job was going well. I had just bought my first house and though I didn’t have much money I was doing well for my age.  However it wasn’t long before I heard from God.

Clearly, I heard him say, I should move across country.  I thought I must have been hearing him wrong or maybe I was just making it up in my head so for several days I asked – Are you sure lord?

Making excuses I told God,  I don’t have any extra money and the economy is bad everywhere.  My job is good here and I just got this house.  It’s not a good time to make a big change.

I could easily have ignored God but after a while I mentioned it to my wife.  She didn’t agree that it was something we should do.  However after a few days she also heard from God  confirming that it was the right decision. It appeared to be an impossible task.  I’m sure giving everything up to make the move possible was at least as hard for her as it was for me.

I can say is that it was the best decision I ever made, following his direction.  I was amazed at the miracles I saw which made it possible for that move to happen. Had I ignored God and kept on my own path, I am sure I would never have enjoyed the blessings he has given me and my family over the last 30 years.